Saturday, July 26, 2008

电饭煲鸡饭 - Rice Cooker Chicken Rice

Rice Cooker Chicken Rice (6).jpg

材料 Ingredients:
2只鸡腿, 切块2 Chicken Drumstick, Pieced
1条香肠,切片1 Wax Sausage, Sliced
4粒 香菇
4 Mushroom
2杯 米
2 Cup Rice
2杯米所需要得水分Water for 2 Cup Rice

调味料 Seasonings:
1 茶匙酱油1 Teaspoon Bean Sauce
1茶匙黑酱油1 Teaspoon Black Bean Sauce
1 茶匙耗油1 Teaspoon Oyster Sauce

做法 Method:
Rice Cooker Chicken Rice.jpg
Rice Cooker Chicken Rice (1).jpg
蘑菇也浸水大约一个小时至软为止. 依个人喜好, 将蘑菇切成喜欢的大小片.
Rice Cooker Chicken Rice (2).jpg
将腌好的鸡肉, 浸软的蘑菇和其他材料加入电子饭锅里, 并使用煮饭的设定开始煮.
Rice Cooker Chicken Rice (3).jpg
Rice Cooker Chicken Rice (4).jpg

Rice Cooker Chicken Rice (8).jpg
如果欲加入鸡蛋, 可以在饭熟后于电饭煲打入它并再加热五分钟就可享用了.

3 2 1 开麦拉 Camera



hsling said...


Hong 阿豐 said...

嗨星,我用的电子电子电饭锅 (Electronic Rice Cooker), 里边的锅是不粘锅, 所以不必搅拌. 至于用砂锅则要留意了,米饭很容易沾在过低,所以必须时常搅拌, 否则很容易烧焦. ^^

Anonymous said...

啊哈~ 我家也爱这样煮,我们叫它"一锅熟"。过年时,就放写腊味(比如腊鸭,腊肠等)变成《腊味饭》。平时就与你放的材料一样,只是多加了虾米,比较像《糯米饭》:)

choi yen said...


Hong 阿豐 said...


Hong 阿豐 said...

嗨Mimid3vils,其实这样不会弄坏电饭锅的,我的岳母用普通的电饭锅也没问题 ^^

Anonymous said...

I cook the same thing like you, the difference is - I marinate mushroom with chicken and I only add in chicken and lakcheong when the rice is half-cooked.

Hong 阿豐 said...

Hi Angel, I agree with your method as well, so that the "lakcheong" wont not will be too "watery". ^^

Anonymous said...


发现dolphing 食谱里的步骤图都很详细,希望你也能到我们的美食论坛里分享一下你的厨艺!

啊土(啊辉) said...


Anonymous said...

Usually I will fried the rice with all ingredients such as chicken, mushroom and etc until half-cooked and then only put inside the rice cooker until it fully cooked. This is what My mum had taught me.

Hong 阿豐 said...

Hi Sherene, I agree with your method . The rice which has benn fried in advance will be more delicious. I would like to tried it as well ^^

Anonymous said...

Hi dolphing, I think your method will be more convinient and save time. I never tried your method before because I thought that I have to fried the rice first before it can put into the rice cooker so that the rice only can be fully cooked. Usually i will add some cabbage for this dishes as well. I found your website recently, i think it is interesting and useful, coz it show the cooking method step by step.

Hong 阿豐 said...

Hi Sherene, you are pointing the right point. This method is more convenience and save time. However if time is available, I also would like to fried it before cook, and I believe that the rice will be more tasty. ^^

wayne said...




Hong 阿豐 said...

Hello Wayne,


Agnes Sim said...


Hong 阿豐 said...

Hi Agnes, 欢迎你。如有不明白之处,敬请发问^^

Anonymous said...




xinxin said...



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lilyloo87 said...



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