Wednesday, July 9, 2008

香蕉牛油蛋糕 - Banana Butter Cake

Banana Butter Cake (32).jpg
这香蕉蛋糕是我最喜欢的牛油蛋糕之一。 一直以来都想制作这蛋糕很久了,之前好几次都没好好按食谱的正确分量, 结果做出来的蛋糕都是差强人意。 最近刚好岳母给了我一串香蕉王(Pisang Raja), 觉得可遇不可求,而且香蕉王近来供不应求, 价格都比一般的香蕉来的贵, 主要是它是这品种又甜又超好吃,所以机不可失,马上开始参考正确的食谱并准备制作这香蕉蛋糕。。

香蕉蛋糕上面的装饰用了一片一片的香蕉, 这是岳母提出的点子。因为她刚好经过某间蛋糕店所看到。

或许你有注意到这蛋糕没有一般的香蕉蛋糕那么“黑”, 就是所谓的香蕉肉馅, 我在猜想可能是用香蕉王的关系,下回我在试看别的品种看看有什么差别。

和其他牛油蛋糕一样, 新鲜烘烤出炉香蕉蛋糕是最好吃的。超甜的香蕉王结合在牛油蛋糕里,吃起来特别美味,绝对推荐。

材料 Ingredients:
250克牛油250g Butter
230克砂糖230g Caster Sugar
5粒鸡蛋5 Egg
1 汤匙牛奶1 Tablespoon Milk
1/4 茶匙香草香精1/4 Teaspoon Vanilla Essence
200克香蕉(大约3-4条), 压烂200g Banana (3-4 Units), Mashed
1/4 茶匙盐1/4 Teaspoon Salt
280克面粉280g Flour
1/4 茶匙发粉1/4 Teaspoon Baking Powder
2 条香蕉, 切片
2 Bananas, Sliced

器皿 Utensils:
2个 面包模具(200 x 98 x 50 mm)2 Load Pans (200 x 98 x 50 mm)

做法 Method:
首先准备200克的香蕉, 大约三至四条, 然后用叉子压烂, 然后加入盐搅拌.
Banana Butter Cake (5).jpg
PhotobucketBanana Butter Cake (6).jpg
然后准备如右图其他的材料, 包括将香蕉切片.
Banana Butter Cake (7).jpg

Banana Butter Cake (8).jpg
Banana Butter Cake (10).jpgPhotobucketBanana Butter Cake (11).jpg
然后加入幼糖混合搅拌,然后打至松发呈乳白色, 松软绒毛状。
Banana Butter Cake (12).jpgPhotobucketBanana Butter Cake (13).jpg
接着加入鸡蛋。鸡蛋必须分次加入,每打一粒鸡蛋,确定它完全被搅拌其中, 方可继续加入下一粒鸡蛋, 所以全部的鸡蛋不可以一次过加入再搅拌。
Banana Butter Cake (14).jpgPhotobucketBanana Butter Cake (15).jpg
接着加入牛奶搅拌, 接着再加入香精继续搅拌.
Banana Butter Cake (16).jpgPhotobucketBanana Butter Cake (17).jpg
将压烂好的香蕉倒入蛋糊中, 继续搅拌至混合均匀.
Banana Butter Cake (18).jpgPhotobucketBanana Butter Cake (20).jpg
接着慢慢分次加入发粉和中筋面粉。然后顺着一个方向,例如顺时针反方,使用蛋糕抹刀(spatula)继续搅拌至均匀。Banana Butter Cake (21).jpgPhotobucketBanana Butter Cake (22).jpg
将搅拌好的面糊分别倒入蛋糕模中, 然后将切片的香蕉置放面糊上面装饰. 接着放入烤炉以180度摄氏烘烤大约四十五分钟, 金黄黄的美味香蕉牛油蛋糕就可以享用了.
Banana Butter Cake (23).jpgPhotobucketBanana Butter Cake (26).jpg

Banana Butter Cake (27).jpg
原本欲使用2个面包模, 刚好只剩下一个,只好用另外两个较小的蛋糕模代替。

参考 Reference
  1. Littlelamb
  2. Eupho Cafe
  3. Florence
  4. Go2hn
  5. 新浪上海
  6. 甜番茄的廚房遊樂園
  7. baidu

蛋糕 - Cake >>牛油蛋糕 - Butter Cake

云石牛油蛋糕 - Marble Butter Cake香蕉牛油蛋糕 - Banana Butter Cake
硬芝士蛋糕 - Cheddar Cheese Cake ( Loaf )
柳橙巧克力牛油蛋糕 - Orange Chocolate Butter Cake
云石牛油蛋糕 - Marble Butter Cake II



  1. hello..nice to meet u...I like your banana cake so much...plan to to it at this Friday. Thank you so much for your receipt and guidance. And I have one question...with this many bowl I can made?? Like yours?? 3 bowl?? mean 2 bowl big and 1 small??

  2. Hello, Welcome to Hong Kitchen. Basically the recipe above can made up to 2 Cake with each Loaf Pan Size. Each size is about (200 x 98 x 50 mm).

    Here is the photo of the Loaf Pan for your reference. ^^

  3. Wow! Excellent illustration. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Hi Florence, You are welcome. ^^

  5. Those cakes look delicious! Dense and moist, yum, I love bananas!

  6. hi there..really appreciate that you post up all these recipes to share with everyone..
    The oven that I used is the same with yours.However, I unable to control the temperature when I using the oven.Sometimes the cake/biscuits that I baked will become black brown.Can you give me some suggestions or advices on how to control the oven when using it so that all the cakes and biscuits will be baked in good condition?
    Thanks!looking forward for your reply..^_^



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